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As we come together in worship and fellowship, I'm reminded of the strength and unity found in our faith community. Your presence and participation enrich our spiritual journey in countless ways.

As part of our commitment to sustaining our community and furthering our mission, I want to invite you to consider contributing your tithes and offerings. These donations play a vital role in supporting the various ministries and outreach efforts of our church/religious organization.

Your faithful giving enables us to:

  • Provide support to those in need within our congregation and local community.

  • Maintain our facilities and resources for worship, education, and fellowship.

  • Invest in programs and initiatives that nurture spiritual growth and serve the greater good.


If you feel called to give, you can do so through Online Banking, Paypal or in-person during service.

Thank you for your steadfast commitment to our faith community and for your willingness to support our shared mission. May our gifts be a reflection of God's boundless grace and love.


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